My Blog List

Thursday, 13 March 2014

THK Review

Last week, I was very pleased to learn that I had been reviewed by Hong Kong Blog Reviews and they didn’t trash THK (phew!) J This was really exciting for me because I have been checking in on that website ever since I arrived here to find out about the newest and most interesting blogs to read.

No matter what your area of interest is, there will be someone who is writing about it and HKBR have taken the time to filter through many sites and provide really helpful feedback. If you are looking for anything from style tips to foodie inspiration or to simply read great content then I would highly recommend HKBR who will point you in the direction of the talent that is waiting to be discovered.

Also, please check out my friend Carly’s blog which has been a newer discovery for me. Carly and her ladies are on a mission to get fighting fit but ultimately encourage us gals to be kind to one another (and ourselves) and focus more on a sense of internal wellness. I can certainly get on board with that! Now, where’s my gym bag…

Thanks one and all who have been so supportive of this little venture of mine. I hope THK can continue to grow and you will all still be interested in reading. *delicately dabs tissue under eye* Right, I’m off before I give Gwyneth a run for her money!

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